Archive for The Bavinger House


Posted in Architecture, Art, Life, Oklahoma, photography, Sightseeing with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 23, 2010 by Me & Marisa

First off, I’m doing this post while watching the Isner v Mahut Wimbledon match and can I just say… EPIC!  On to the post.
Sunday my Mom was driving to my house from Shawnee when she stumbled on a place she hasn’t been since she was a little girl. She called me and told me to be ready to walk out the door by the time she drove up. I knew from the sound of her voice it was going to be good. So, off we went to do a little local Oklahoma sightseeing! The location was a famous architectural landmark called The Bavinger House and needless to say, it was amazing! It was designed by Bruce Goff and built by two artists, a painter and a sculptor. The house is truly what an artist’s imagination come to life looks like and if you ever get the chance to visit, it will be the best $10 you’ve ever spent! Also, I love that it is maintained by the family. The grandson sells tickets and the son gives the tours. They still live on the property, though not in the house. Enjoy the pics!
-Andrew J

The house is supported by these cables and is built around a single pole in the center of the house.The grandson
Oh! Also, the grounds surrounding are filled with bamboo which was started from 4 different kinds in 1982 and it just really took off. I felt like I was in Asia it was so dense!
This is where I said they kept bad children haha. It was a door into a rock.
We dubbed this bridge the Bridge to Terabithia. And come to find out is part of what keeps the house standing.These statues in the bamboo forest are called The Carolers

The house is impossible to describe! But when you first enter… the living room is floating above the ground and the majority of the rooms in the house are suspendedin the air. It was incredible!
All constructed from rock mined on the site.
This is a view I want from my house.
The glass rock is placed throughout the house and when the sun comes through, they act like lamps.
Yup, that’s a pond in the middle of the house.
The circular structures are closets
Good place to take pictures. And the dining room table rotates like a Lazy Susan
There is the post the house is built around
She was the sculptor, and he the painter. Both of their work is everywhere in the house.

Gorgeous front door

This was their son/our tour guide.
Ending on possibly my best picture of my mother ever. No editing. It was just perfect. So Zen