Archive for plaid


Posted in Fashion, photography, Shoes, Trends with tags , , , , , , on September 17, 2009 by Me & Marisa

In honor of the incredibly cloudy and rainy weather we’ve been having recently, I’m taking it upon myself to declare that it is Fall. And you know that that means…. no? Well, fall clothes of course! And what’s most characteristic for Fall? No brainer here, PLAID! So I decided to put together three plaid looks for this fall, the first one I actually wore yesterday. My favorite part of what I wore yesterday though wasn’t the plaid shirt, it was the old old old pair of boots I found in my closet! I’m talking dirty old boots from forever ago. But something about them just really made me want to wear them today. Maybe it was the character of the boots that seemed to compliment the weather, who knows. Anywho, enjoy this gloomy weather. If you’re anywhere around Norman, it won’t be clearing up for the rest of the week!
P.S. Sorry to those who got mad at me for not posting yesterday, I was absolutely swamped with activities, homework and tests.

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See! They’re so full of character, love em!
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I love abandoned gas stations.

Posted in Architecture, Art, college, Fashion, Life, photography, Random, Trends with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 18, 2009 by Me & Marisa

I am finally back on Central Time. The jet lag of Dallas to DC to Ireland back to DC back to Dallas have worn off after a few night of sleeping by 9pm waking up at 9am.  🙂 loved it.


I am passing the next couple of weeks before I head back into the city at best friends.  Stephenville is definitely a one horse town. Thank God for the Starbucks down the road. 

Went and saw District 9.. directed by Neill Blomkamp and produced by Peter Jackson…My friend Abdul recommended it.  Figures it would be totally gory and alien obsessed. Its a friendship story between Aliens and Humans.  Sad ending. If you have a weak stomach don’t see it.  If you like Gears of War- you will LOVE it. It reminds me of a cross between Schindler’s List and Wall-e. 

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Since i have been spoiled using my moms Canon Rebel this past month, I am back to my little point and shoot.. but no matter– alex and I had some fun at this abandoned gas station and at the Stephenville park…. 












 my best friend is gorgeous. 

we got some great shots with the morning sun..

pretty much the only glamourous thing you can do in stephenville is dress up and let the cowboys oogle you 😉

i don’t mind. 

more later.

